Important Information:
Step 1: Place order
Step 2: Wait for completion of order
Step 3: After completion, wait exactly 24 hours, then restore the device.
If it is Android: “Wipe Factory Reset” and then “Wipe cache partition” and try, if there is no signal, reinstall the software and if possible put a ROM from another country.
If it is Apple: With the 3utools tool, connect it in recovery mode, then flash it with the “Quick Flash Mode” option.
Step 4: Test the signal of your device, if you did the steps correctly and it does not give you a signal, send it again to give it a new pass and repeat the steps again.
Delivery time: 1-3 Days
Bulk orders allowed: No
Order type: IMEI
Service type: Server
Submit to verify allowed: No
Cancellation allowed: No
Order processing: API